Thursday, November 19, 2009

All Things Lovely: Forest Fairytales

So, this afternoon I marked the end of my uni degree with that one final exam ... the one designed to test everything under the sun, and which coincidentally, happened to be the one I couldn't buckle down and study for due to my excitement about being so close to the finish line. Well luckily I managed to get through it unscathed and let me tell you, it is the most wonderful feeling ever!! But because this event calls for so so many celebrations, I will have to keep this post short and leave you with some pretty, inspiring images to ponder over instead:

1: haley o'rourke; 2: suzywire; 3: futureesq & sarah kaye; 4: papertissue;
5: ru_glamour 6: 7: junkkari; 8: foresting; 9: tiresome

Enjoy & catch up with you all tomorrow! :)


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