Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Where the Loveliest Things Are

... usually in the most random of places and times, wouldn't you agree?

I've had an amazing day. I don't even know where to begin.

Going to work this morning, something inside me suddenly clicked and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I'd finally moved on and for the rest of the morning there was no more worrying and stressing over the uncertainties of everything. Then would you believe it, come lunch time, I am pleasantly surprised by this one thing I had written off and completely lost hope in. For it to come so out of the blue made me feel incredibly happy and relieved. My gut instinct had been right. Being patient had paid off! After work, I went back to pick up the ring that I purchased the other day as I needed a smaller size to stop the ring from spinning on my finger (I hate that). Then, fate would have it and somehow I end up running into the people that I had been wanting to meet. I look forward to seeing how things progress from here on in. What surprises will the future hold?

[this is a journal entry for 21/12/10.]
- the day where so many things happened, each one so deeply meaningful to me.
the day I learnt that even the most beautiful unexpected dreams can come true.